Fashion trends

How to wear a bracelet correctly

How to wear a bracelet correctly
When wearing a bracelet, the following points should be considered:
Wearing it on the left hand: The frequency of using the left hand is relatively low. Wearing the bracelet on the left hand makes it easier for the right hand to move, which is beneficial for work and life.
Avoid oil stains: Bracelets should be kept away from oil stains to avoid affecting their luster and quality.
Avoid collisions: Before performing significant movements, it is recommended to remove the bracelet and place it in a safe place.
Avoid chemicals: Bracelets should avoid contact with chemicals to prevent surface erosion.
From a health perspective, the left hand is closer to the heart, and wearing a bracelet can have a calming and heart rate balancing effect; And the right hand is closer to the liver, wearing a bracelet can help the liver detoxify. In feng shui, wearing a wristband on the left hand is to absorb blessings and luck, while the right hand is to ward off evil and dispel yin and evil energy. From a practical perspective, if you use your right hand more frequently, it is recommended to wear the bracelet on your left hand to reduce one bump and wear. If using the left hand more often, it is recommended to wear it on the right hand, which is beneficial for massaging acupoints and maintaining good health.
In summary, whether to wear it on the left or right hand should be determined based on personal habits and needs



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